This week's points was what surveillance, capture and privacy, lessig on monitoring and search and data mining.
Sullveillance is that close watch kept over someone or something. These days, some artists and art groups concerned with surveillance. Surveillance model is built upon visual metaphors and derives from historical experiences of secret police surveillance. And capture model is built upon linguistic metaphors and takes as its prototype the deliberate reorganization of industrial work activities to allow computers to track them [the work activities] in real time. Privacy means the quality or state of being apart from company or observation, and freedom from unauthorized intrusion. And we think that privacy is archaic : a place of seclusion.
We learnd about connections between the public and the private, resistances between private and public.
And we learnd about monitoring architectural feature of the web and anti-monitoring architectural feature of the web.
Finally we learnd about data mining. In general, data mining efforts are directed toward the generation of rules for the classification of objects. And types of data mining are descriptive and
predictive. And data mining tasks are that regression, classification, clustering, inference of associative rules, inference of sequential patterns.
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