2008년 4월 7일 월요일


This week's key point was that new media technologies usually existing social natworks or even work to isolate people. But when new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
Outline for this week was social networks as science, technology, popular culture, art.
In Social networks as science, There is field, definition, history, equivalence, centrality, bridges, social capital.
Speaking of social networks as technology, there is newsgroups, email, weblogs. For example, Google's page rank algorithm gives more weight to popular webpages. A webpage is considered popular if many other webpages link to it.
And social networks as popular culture, we learnd about six degrees of kevin bacon, google hacking.
Finally, social networks as art, at first time, people drew social natworks by hands. I thought that they worked very hard. But it becomes more convenient than past.

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